Privacy Policy



1. Purpose

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you, as a visitor and/or user of the Website, about how we handle your personal information and the various options you have regarding the use of your personal information.

In this regard, TOP RENTALS, in light of the proposed purpose, guarantees that data collected through the Website or any other means will always be processed in a manner that safeguards the protective purpose that the protection of personal data upholds.

The confidentiality of private communications between TOP RENTALS and users entails maintaining information in files, banks, or databases in a way that restricts access to authorized users or third parties not authorized for such purposes. Periodically, we may modify this Privacy Policy to include the treatment of new topics and to reflect changes on our Website, technologies employed by TOP RENTALS that may impact the treatment of your information, or our stance regarding the use of collected information. We will promptly add such changes to this Privacy Policy as they occur so that you can always access information about what data we collect, how we use it, and the potential options for disclosure or transfer to third parties, as applicable.

2. Application

This Privacy Policy applies to all sites and services owned and/or operated by TOP RENTALS and/or affiliated companies, and to any other site we may currently or in the future own or operate. This Privacy Policy shall not apply if you access sites other than TOP RENTALS sites, even if such sites are linked to TOP RENTALS sites through links or any other type of connection, electronic or otherwise.

3. Use of the Website. Personal Information

Browsing the Website does not require user registration, but access to certain services and content provided through the Website, as well as the intention to facilitate your use or participation in subscription registrations, access accounts, and/or in relation to any other activities, services, or resources we may provide on the Website may be conditioned upon your prior registration as a user, for which you must provide TOP RENTALS with the information detailed in the electronic forms available on the Website. A "user" is defined as any individual who completes any of the contact and/or inquiry forms available on the Website. User registration is free and voluntary.

Your personal identification information as an individual user, including your full name, address, telephone number, service access preferences, and/or email address, will henceforth be referred to as "Personal Information." Furthermore, Personal Information may be shared with third parties such as group companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, or related third-party service providers or contractors necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, for which you provide your express consent. In case the mentioned third parties are located in countries without an adequate level of protection, TOP RENTALS will take necessary measures to ensure the protection of users' personal data according to our legislative standards.

TOP RENTALS may contract service providers or outsourcing companies to enhance TOP RENTALS' service. TOP RENTALS will ensure compliance with specific standards by signing agreements or contracts that guarantee the privacy of users' data and their use solely for the purposes described above.

In all these cases, we may only collect and store your Personal Information if you voluntarily provide it to us. As a general rule, when using a service or accessing certain content requires personal data, providing such data is not mandatory, except in cases specifically indicated where it is required for the provision of the service or access to the content. The collection and processing of personal data aim to provide, manage, administer, personalize, update, and improve the services and content made available to users by TOP RENTALS. By providing your personal data, you expressly authorize TOP RENTALS to use the provided data for the purposes stated herein. This also implies acceptance of all terms contained in these statements.

When registering as a user, you must provide truthful, complete, and accurate information. You are solely responsible for the information provided and the activity conducted on the Website and must keep access secure. TOP RENTALS may request additional proof or data to verify users' personal information on the Website and may suspend users whose data cannot be confirmed. Under no circumstances should you use another user's account on the Website, and you are responsible for any damages caused by the use of any third-party account. It is the user's responsibility to keep their information updated. We maintain reasonable technical, electronic, and organizational security procedures to safeguard Personal Information against unauthorized or illegal processing and/or against accidental or unlawful alteration, loss, disclosure, or access. Our security procedures include contractual terms with contractors, agents, or data processors requiring such entities to protect the security and confidentiality of Personal Information according to our standards. The information and data you provide us through the Website will be included in a customer and user database registered with the Access to Public Information Agency, which will be under the responsibility of TOP RENTALS and used for purposes specified on each occasion on the Website. While we strive to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of the information you transmit. It is your responsibility to protect any email or password you create or use in relation to TOP RENTALS and notify us if you ever suspect that the security and confidentiality of such email or password has been compromised in any way. You are solely responsible for the use of your account through your email and password. We will retain Personal Information for as long as required by applicable laws, or as long as necessary for the purpose(s) described above for which it is processed, and even thereafter.

Your registration on the Website and acceptance of this Privacy Policy implies your express, free, and informed consent to the inclusion, use, and processing of your personal data by TOP RENTALS.

TOP RENTALS will process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 25,326 on Personal Data Protection, its Regulatory Decree 1558/2001, and the regulations complementing it, adopting the necessary technical and organizational precautions for the custody, storage, conservation, and confidentiality of information to prevent its alteration, loss, processing, or unauthorized access.

In the event that you provide us with your Personal Information, you agree that such Personal Information may be used for the activities mentioned above. Furthermore, if you contact us via email, we may request or use your Personal Information, if available, to respond to your email and the requests therein in more detail.

Finally, you agree that we may also archive your Personal Information and/or any other data for future reference, or discard such information in whole or in part after use. Once you provide us with your Personal Information, you expressly consent to us using such personal information for internal and external marketing purposes, as well as promotional purposes. The data subject has the right to exercise the right of access to their data free of charge at intervals not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is proven as established in Article 14, subsection 3 of Law No. 25,326. The National Directorate for Personal Data Protection, the control body of Law No. 25,326, has the authority to address complaints and claims related to non-compliance with personal data protection regulations. To contact the National Directorate for Personal Data Protection, you may go to Sarmiento 1118, 5th floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C1041AAX), or call 4383-8510/13/12/15.

4. Prohibited Use of the Website

The use of the Website is not permitted for: (i) Any activity contrary to law, morals, or good customs, (ii) Uploading, publishing, transmitting, or making available by any means and form any material or content that could be considered offensive, defamatory, slanderous, libelous, discriminatory, or objectionable, (iii) Publishing, transmitting, or making available by any means and form, content that violates third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual or industrial property rights, (iv) Modifying the Website, servers, or connected networks, as well as interfering with or disrupting them, (v) Disclosing or collecting personal data from third parties without their prior written authorization for such purposes, (vi) Choosing or using another person's account with the intention of impersonating such person; (vii) Using another person's account; and (viii) Engaging in commercial use of the Website without prior written authorization from TOP RENTALS.

5. Message Submissions - Contact Us

In order to provide you with better service, we may send you messages in the future to confirm your registration and/or the status of your account, and/or to notify you about changes in the terms and conditions of the Website or this Privacy Policy. Occasionally, we may also send you emails to present a product, service, information, etc., that we believe may be of interest to users of the Website.

If you wish to rectify, change, access, delete, restrict, or object to your personal information or decide to stop receiving message sending service, you must inform us in writing by sending an email to to proceed with your request as soon as possible.

6. Exceptions to Our Reservation of Personal Information and Other Information

In compliance with our legal obligations, your personal information and/or any other specific information about you that we may intentionally or inadvertently access and/or about your account may be disclosed to third parties to comply with legal procedures such as a search warrant, court order, judicial order, or administrative requirements that may be considered valid under applicable laws. Also, for our protection, yours, and that of other users of the Website, your personal information may also be disclosed in cases involving attempted breaches of Website security or physical danger or threat against you, us, or third parties.

In cases where you provide or disclose your Personal Information or any other information about yourself in online communications, such information may eventually be collected and used by third parties with or without your consent. While we make every effort to protect your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of the information you disclose or provide through the Internet, and you disclose your information at your own risk.

It is imperative that you note and understand that the Website may contain links to other sites on the Internet that are owned and/or operated by third parties, and such third parties may collect personal information about you through these sites. Therefore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to such third parties. We are not responsible for any damages or damages that may be caused to you by third parties.

By using our Website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to the terms of use of the Website, as well as the terms of use and privacy policy contained herein, as well as any changes that may occur on the Website, as a whole.

7. Capacity. Children's Privacy

Because minors may not fully understand all the provisions of our Privacy Policy and their implications, nor validly decide on the options available to our adult users, we urge all parents, guardians, or adults supervising minors accessing the Website to actively and carefully participate in the activities the minor engages in online, the online services minors use, the information they access, whether when minors visit the Website or any other third-party site, and to teach them how to protect their own personal information while online.

The services of the Website are only available to adults who have legal capacity to contract. Individuals lacking such capacity and minors may not use the services.

Regarding lack of capacity due to minority, the responsibility for determining the services and content accessed by minors lies with the adults supervising them.

8. Cookies

To provide you with more personalized and efficient service, the Website, through the use of cookie technology and/or IP tracking, accesses certain non-specific information about you that may consist of information other than personal information ("Non-Specific Information"). "Cookies" are small text files sent via the Internet to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive, allowing recognition of machines accessing the Website.

Currently, with the technology used on the Website, the Non-Specific Information we collect may include information about the browser you use, the type of computer, operating systems, internet service providers, and similar information. To enhance our site's areas of interest, our technology also compiles information about the areas you visit on the Website and the links you establish therein. None of these elements will ever serve to identify a specific person, as their use is purely technical; however, they are useful for providing better service to users and enabling the creation of advanced content. This Non-Specific Information is used by us and/or our site operators to understand how you and other users, considered as a group, use the services and resources we provide on the Website. This allows us to identify the preferred areas of our sites for our users, which areas need improvement, and what technology is being used to continuously enhance our sites.

We may eventually share this statistical information with our partners, providers, advertisers, and third parties, but under no circumstances will we share your personal information or that of other Website users with such third parties. We advise you that some of our advertisers may insert, post, or transmit various types of advertisements on our sites that request or contain technology to collect information about other users. To the extent of our technological capabilities and within the framework of our agreements with such advertisers, we will not allow them to collect personal information about our users within our sites. Your browser, like others, may be set to accept cookies. If this is the case and you do not wish to provide Non-Specific Information, you can set your browser to reject cookies or to notify you when a site you visit attempts to send you cookies. If you do this, please note that some Internet sites, as well as some sections of the Website, may not function properly. If you are adhered to the Terms and Conditions of Google, LLC, the option you should select after "settings" will be "Cookies and other sites," within the Privacy section. In which case, You will also be governed by the Privacy Policy of Google, LLC, which we recommend reading in advance.

For more information on how to disable the option to accept cookies in your browser, we recommend that you consult the provider of the browser you use for the purposes indicated above.

9. System or Database Violations

No action or use of a device, software, or other means aimed at interfering with the activities and operation of the Website, as well as the descriptions, accounts, or databases of TOP RENTALS, is permitted. Any intrusion, attempt, or activity in violation of intellectual property rights laws and/or the prohibitions stipulated in this agreement will make the responsible party liable for legal action and penalties provided in this agreement, as well as liable for indemnifying damages incurred.

10. Intellectual Property

You acknowledge and agree that all materials and content published on the Website, including – but not limited to – texts, software, graphics, photographs, audio, music, videos, interactive content, and similar, belong to TOP RENTALS or have been licensed to TOP RENTALS, and are protected by intellectual property rights.

You may only use the information and materials contained on the Website strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes. Such information and materials may not be used, copied, reproduced, modified, altered, sold, licensed, or exploited in any other way, directly or indirectly, on any medium or support, for any purpose other than strictly personal use, nor engage in any other act that violates the.

11. Website Operation and Links

The Website may occasionally be unavailable, in whole or in part, due to technical difficulties or Internet failures, or due to any other circumstance beyond TOP RENTALS' control. In such cases, efforts will be made to restore service as quickly as possible.

The Website may contain links to other websites not owned or operated by TOP RENTALS. Since TOP RENTALS has no control over such sites, it will NOT be responsible for the content, materials, actions, and/or services provided by them, nor for damages or losses caused by their use, whether directly or indirectly. The presence of links to other websites does not imply a partnership, relationship, endorsement, or approval by TOP RENTALS of such sites and their content.

12. Orders from Competent Authorities. Legal Requirements

TOP RENTALS cooperates with competent authorities and other third parties to ensure compliance with laws, for example, in matters of protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, fraud prevention, and other matters.

TOP RENTALS may disclose user data upon request from competent judicial or governmental authorities for investigations conducted by them, including but not limited to criminal investigations, fraud, computer piracy-related investigations, copyright infringement, industrial or intellectual property rights infringement, or other illegal activities that may expose TOP RENTALS or its users to any legal liability. In such situations, TOP RENTALS will collaborate with competent authorities to safeguard the integrity and security of the community and its users.

  1. Deactivation of User Account

In the event that a user decides to deactivate their account on the Website, TOP RENTALS will retain the data and information provided through it, unless the user requests its deletion, in which case the user's data will be deleted within legal deadlines.

13. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

This Privacy Policy has been drafted and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Argentine Republic. Any dispute, conflict, or divergence arising from the use of the Website and the Privacy Policy will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts.


National Directorate of Personal Data Protection - Pte. Julio A. Roca 710, 2nd Floor or call (5411) 2821-0047 or write to

Consumer Defense - Central Headquarters - Av. Julio A. Roca 651 (1322) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Consumer Helpline - Toll-Free Consumer Information Hotline 0800-666-1518 Consumer Defense Legislation: